Myjomice « Krążkowy Obwód V

Temat: Powot do pracy po "wychowawczym".
...licze sie z tym ze moga odmowic. Flexible working lets you ask your employer for a new working pattern to help you care for your child. You have a right to request a flexible working pattern if you've got a child aged 16 or under, or a disabled child under 18. Your employer has to consider your request seriously. To have the right to ask for flexible working, you must: have worked for your employer for at least 26 weeks be the child's mother, father, adopter, legal guardian or foster parent - or be the partner of one of these have responsibility for the child's upbringing be making the application so that you'll be able to care for the child You'll need to fill in an application form when you apply for flexible working. You can only make one application a year. If your employer does not agree to your request, they should have a meeting with you to discuss their reasons.

Temat: [D2:ED] Fabuła (Oceansoul)
...grew up under the Divine’s tutelage. Until he met Ygerna. Sent to seduce Damian by her father, the Black Ring necromancer Kalin, she befriended the young man, who was instantly infatuated with her. Not only did she return his affections, but also his long slumbering powers. They practiced innocent spells at first, but later on more sinister magic, rarer incantations, and, most dangerous of all, they unravelled forbidden knowledge. For some time, Damian's Divine foster parent was blissfully oblivious of Ygerna’s ominous influence on his son, until evidence connected her to Kalin, whom he recently executed. When questioned she confessed that she supported his rotten stratagems, the most important of these being the renascence of Damian’s dark, dormant powers.

Temat: adopcja zagraniczna2
z adopcji z polski raczej zrezygnowalam zostaniemy foster parents (chcemy) jako foster parents to ty wybierasz jakie dziecko chcesz by w twoim domu zagoscilo wiek plec rasa i nikt nie robi ci z tego powodu problemow czy patrzy na ciebie krzywo,nie kazde dziecko ktore bedzie pod twoja opieka bedzie do adopcji , ale jesli bedzie.. to ty jako foster parent masz pierwszenstwo w staraniach o adopcje ,masz juz doswiadczenie z dziecmi ,pracownik socjalny cie zna, pewne formalnosci sa juz za toba i co najwazniejsze znasz dziecko i ono ciebie zna ale jeszcze raz przypominam nie wszystkie dzieci lub dziecko ktore trafi do twojego domu bedzie do adopcji , czasami wymaga ono tylko chwilowej opieki i milosci dopoki jego sytuacja z rodzina sie nieureguluje.trzeba do tego podchodzic z chlodna glowa ale...
