Myjomice « Krążkowy Obwód V

Temat: FORD atakuje klub / The Ranger Station Attacked By Ford
Agreement Reach With Ford: As requested by many members, I am sending a new email out about the current issue with Ford. Again I applogize for this unsolicited email. Initially, a law firm representing Ford had contacted me wanting me to surrender the domain to TRS and send them a check for $5,000 for damages. The firm cited our sales of decals that used used the Ford logo or trademark names, our use of ford photos that infringed on Fords trade dress rights, and for the use of the word 'Ranger' which was a trade name of Ford. As far as the photos, I had obtained them from the Ford media site through our TRS media account, so we had a right to use them. Thanks to the support of our members (and your messages to Ford) I had been contacted by Scott Monty who is head of social media at Ford. Essentially, it came down to TRS selling decals...
