Myjomice « Krążkowy Obwód V

Temat: Rosja podpisała wielki kontrakt zbrojeniowy z A...
...w biuletynach USAF i Lockheed Martina w lutym 2005. Dotyczą najprawdopodobniej wszystkich C-130 w służbie na całym świecie. Do maja potwierdzono występowanie mikropęknięć w co najmniej 90 samolotach USAF i ANG (C-130E, C-130H, HC-130N/P), z czego 30 zostało natychmiast wycofanych z latania, na użycie pozostałych nałożono poważne ograniczenia.(...) Średni wiek C-130 USAF wynosi ponad 25 lat, podczas gdy samoloty ANG czy Air Force Reserve są o około 10 lat młodsze. Najmłodsze C-130E wyprodukowano w 1972, średni wiek tych samolotów w służbie amerykańskiej wynosi ponad 28 lat, przy wylatanych ok. 19,8 tys. godzin. Inżynierowie USAF zakładają, iż C-130E pozostaną w służbie nie dłużej niż 15 lat. Teoretycznie Polska mogła podtrzymać wybór samolotów eksploatowanych wcześniej przez RAF, jednak koszt niezbędnych do wykonania w samolotach...

Temat: Amerykański politolog: Polska chce mieć w USA s... accused of disclosing information to an unspecified "foreign official" and to unnamed members of the news media. The Associated Press reported that a law enforcement official said the people at the lunch were employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Neither the statement nor an accompanying affidavit mentions AIPAC. Franklin is a career analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency who specializes in Iran and has served in the Air Force Reserve, rising to colonel. Early in the Bush administration, Franklin moved from the DIA to the Pentagon's policy branch headed by Undersecretary Douglas J. Feith, where he continued his work on Iranian affairs. The investigation of Franklin had been previously reported in connection with the April dismissal of two senior employees of AIPAC, one of Washington's most influential lobbying organizations. The employees were reportedly suspected of...

Temat: Nowe statystyki rekrutacyjne ogłoszone przez DOD
...2) USAF, USMC i US Army przekroczyły swoje listopadowe cele retencyjne, tzn. umowę o przedłużeniu służby podpisało więcej żołnierzy niż trzeba. Jedynie marynarka wojenna nie osiągnęła celu, ale DOD przewiduje, że USN osiągnie roczny cel retencyjny. 3) Cztery z sześciu służb rezerwowych osiągnęło lub przekroczyło swoje cele rekrutacyjne. Są nimi: Army National Guard (113%), Air National Guard (115%), Air Force Reserve (100%) i USMC Reserve (102%). US Army i USMC są tymi rodzajami sił zbrojnych, które ponoszą na skutek wojny irackiej największe straty osobowe. 4) Army National Guard przekroczyła swój cel retencyjny (137%), jak również Air National Guard (101%). 5) Nieprawdą jest, że do wojska zapisują się tylko Murzyni. Dowód: Link:...

Temat: Amerykanskie panstwo policyjne.
...flight simulator brings visit from police By VIRGINIA RAY Recorder Staff COLRAIN - An innocent inquiry to a Staples store clerk about a computer software program that teaches how to fly an airplane by instrumentation brought a surprise visit this holiday season to a local family from the state police. "At first, I felt a little angry and violated" about someone telling authorities about her inquiry, said Julie Olearcek, a 15-year Air Force Reserve pilot. "But now that time has gone by, I realize it may take someone like that, who's a little nervous, who may save the day." Olearcek's husband, Henry, is also a flier, currently on active duty, and frequently away from home these days. About a week before Christmas, Olearcek said the couple's 10-year-old son, who has flight simulation software and is keenly interested in learning to fly like his parents, commented that...

Temat: Walki tocza sie w calej Faludzy
...<dra@op.plnapisa³(a): Starliftery ju¿ nie lataj±...     Ale od bardzo niedawna (16 wrzesieñ 2004), pozosta³o 20 C-141C na satnie AFR ;o) "The last active-duty C-141B retired Sept. 16, 2004, at McGuire AFB, N.J. (...) There are 20 Reserve C-141C's are stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and March Air Reserve Base, Calif. Inventory: Active duty, 0; Air Force Reserve, 20"     REMOV

Temat: O "wyższości" F-16
O "wyższości" F-16 2 Soldiers Killed in Louisiana Email this Story Nov 14, 1:53 PM (ET) FORT POLK, La. (AP) - Two soldiers involved in an urban assault drill were killed Thursday when they were run over by a 63-ton tank. The accident came a day after an Air Force Reserve F-16 crashed in Utah, killing the pilot. That crash was the second fatal accident involving F-16s in Utah in less than three weeks. The soldiers were with the 3rd Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division out of Fort Campbell, Ky., which was recently stationed in Afghanistan, said Fort Polk spokesman Ron Elliott. Elliott said he didn't know if the soldiers had seen overseas service. The accident occurred about 5:20 a.m. and both...

Temat: Grecja zrezygnowała z F-16
...Arkard Thai Royal Thai Air Force - RTAF The Netherlands Koninklijke Luchtmacht Royal Netherlands Air Force - RNlAF Turkey Turk Hava Kuvvetleri Turkish Air Force - TuAF United Arab Emirates Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah United Arab Emirates Air Force - UAEAF United States of America Air Education and Training Command - AETC United States of America Air Force Materiel Command - AFMC United States of America Air Force Reserve Command - AFRC [Air

Temat: USA -American Forces Press Service
...mobilization. The Army reports no change. The net collective result is 712 fewer reservists than last week. At any given time, Services may mobilize some units and individuals while demobilizing others, making it possible for these figures to either increase or decrease. Total number currently on active duty in support of the partial mobilization for the Army National Guard and Army Reserve is 34,478; Naval Reserve, 8,244; Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, 36,770; Marine Corps Reserve, 3,903; and the Coast Guard Reserve 1,485. This brings the total Reserve and National Guard on active duty to 84,880 including both units and individual augmentees. A cumulative roster of all National Guard and Reserve who are currently on active duty can be found at [Web version:...
